Raby Stud

Raby Stud


First established in 1898, Raby is one of Australia's oldest Merino Studs. The 120-year history and breeding of the Raby has been retained by The McBurnie family, of Weealla Merino and Poll Merino stud, from Gilgandra, NSW. In December 2017 we purchased the Raby stud name, Stud ewes, Sires, sale rams and 2017-drop ewe and ram lambs, after the property was sold. Having owned and operated the Weealla Merino and Poll Merino Stud for the past 25 years and operating a 100 percent Merino operation across our three properties. We thought it was the right time to expand. Raby is renowned for producing heavy cutting sheep with bright white, soft to medium wool. Raby have a strong reputation of big robust sheep, well suited to today's markets, to be filling wool bales. Raby's former manager, Ashley Bell, who managed the stud for 23 years, will continue as the Raby Stud classer and Stud Representative.
Ashley has been classing the flock for the past seven years, he said, he is excited to be part of the group that saved that Raby from being closed. "We are all on the same page, in wanting to keep the Raby sheep true-to-type".
2025 Open Day On Property
FRIDAY 12th  September - All Sale Rams Penned.

2025 Weealla  & RABY on Property Ram Sale Friday 19th   September 2025

120 Rams
WEE 2039
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